Obama photo
McCain photo

October 20, 2008

You found it!  The only intelligent, unbiased  comparison of the two candidates on the entire web.  

Candidate Age Cause of father's death Father's age at death Cause of mother's death Mother's age at death
Obama 47 alcoholism, auto accident 46 ovarian and uterine cancer 52
Mccain 72 heart attack 71 Still living (living, age 96)

Notes: John McCain has had localized Melanoma, which however has a 100% cure rate in its early stages.  He does not have any indications of ischemic heart disease.  Main risk cancer.  Obama is at risk for addictive  disorders and their allied mental illnesses, as well as cancer.   

Conclusion: I would put both these guys in a high risk pool and see little reason to assume either is much more likely to finish his term alive and compos mentis than the other

Mccain: 133
Obama: 130 (estimate)


  • The Mccain figure is from military records.  See http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,992860,00.html
  • Obama has refused to release any records of test scores or his academic performance.  One Obama IQ estimate comes from this source  http://www.kids-iq-tests.com/d-prez.html  The author hazards a higher estimate based on the mean LSAT score for  Harvard Law School admissions, but without adjusting for the fact that the mean LSAT for minority students admitted to Harvard  Law School was substantially lower than the overall mean at the time of Obama's admission.  (This would be like estimating G.W. Bush's IQ from the mean IQ of Yale undergrads, failing to acknowledge that Bush was admitted as a legacy of his wealthy father, not for academic or cognitive merit.)  
Both men certainly have the cognitive ability to be president.  But cognitive ability alone is not only of little value, it may actually be dangerous unless coupled with knowledge to give wisdom.  As Confucius said, "Learning, without thought, is labor lost; thought, without learning, is perilous."

Undergraduate Education

Undergraduate Degree

Candidate School(s) Course of study Academic honors Graduated
Obama Occidental College, Columbia B.A. -- Political Science None 1983
Mccain U.S. Naval Academy B.S. --
None 1958

Undergraduate Studies
Candidate Social sciences, literature, humanities Physical sciences and mathematics Foreign
Obama high low or none None   Basketball (high school)
Mccain medium high None Boxing (college) wrestling (high school)

  • Neither candidate will release his undergraduate transcripts and apparently the media are too cowardly to press them on this point.  A reasonable surmise is that McCain refuses to do so because of poor grades, and Obama because of both grades and course selection (taking gut classes).  
  • Neither candidate excelled in his undergraduate career.  Obama graduated without honors from Columbia and McCain graduated near the bottom of his Annapolis class, though this is attributable more to conduct violations than poor academic performance.  Obama himself confesses that he does not know any foreign language.  McCain does not claim to speak any foreign language.  It should be noted that both candidates can manage  a few words of Asian languages (Indonesian for Obama, Vietnamese for McCain) and both can handle "Where is the bathroom?" in Spanish, but neither has anything even close to fluency in a foreign language.
  • After graduating without honors from Columbia, Obama was admitted to Harvard Law School, where he graduated with honors, though the proportion of the class graduating with similar honors, and for what reasons such honors were bestowed, are unknown and have not been researched by the media, so no inferences can be drawn from this.


Neither candidate can be considered a scholar, and both show sometimes a deplorable lack of knowledge.  Neither  appears to have studied economics and neither has very good quantitative reasoning skills, though Obama, owing to his lack of  education in such things a mathematics, probability theory, and statistics, is the more innumerate of the two.

Reasoning Abilities -- Filters Against Folly
This classification is taken from the writings of the celebrated environmentalist Garrett Hardin.
Candidate Literate Filter (What?) Numerate Filter (How much?) Ecolate Filter (What then?)
Obama Heavy reliance on words and verbal reasoning Lacking education in the sciences and quantitative methods, rarely considers the quantitative aspects of reality  Very low  -- ecolate thinking requires both literate and numerate faculties.  Devotion to "principles" blocks thinking on long-term consequences.
Mccain Moderate reliance on words and verbal reasoning Prefers literate filter but has enough education in mathematics and the sciences to use the numerate filter on occasion. Low to moderate -- willing to consider long term consequences  (e.g. immigration reform) even if at odds with principles.

The fortunate thing here is that either man (like all the rest of us)  could avoid folly by cultivating the filters he seldom uses.  And remembering Garrett Hardin's First Law of Ecology:  "You cannot do only one thing"

The main peril for Obama is making policy based on anecdotes and sob-stories, a danger exacerbated by his legal training, since the law generally eschews numerate reasoning for anecdote, despite its maxim "hard cases make bad law.".  This explains why courts fail so miserably when they make policy decisions -- they never get past the literate filter. An example is Obama's interest in banning rifles of various sorts,  while being apparently ignorant that rifles are involved (according to the FBI) in about 400 homicides per year, a trivial percentage of the homicides that occur in the U.S. and a nearly infinitesimal proportion of the total deaths (2,400,000) that occur in the U.S. each year.  A numerate thinker who wanted to save lives would look at causes of death from most common to least, and address them in that order.  

Obama's well-intentioned promotion of home ownership for the poor, which had its end in the current subprime lending meltdown is another example of his innumeracy.  This showed a nearly incredible lack of numerate and ecolate thinking by Obama and for that matter most of the political establishment, though more so on the Democratic side of the aisle.  How true it is, "You cannot do only one thing."

McCain would do well to remember that most Americans prefer the literate filter, and that for most people numbers do not speak for themselves.  Because conservatives such as McCain tend to introduce change cautiously, they are less likely to end up making major blunders on the ecolate thinking side.  However, a greater emphasis on the quantitative side can have downsides too, though they are usually less perilous than the errors made by ignoring quantitative reality altogether.  McCain's sponsorship (with Russ Feingold, a Democrat) of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act of  2002 is an excellent example of quantitative thinking gone awry, and a lapse in ecolate thinking as well.

Deadly Sins
Mccain: Wrath (anger)
Obama: Pride (arrogance)

Take your pick, they are both deadly sins and both can have dire consequences.

Summing it up

Take your pick, but don't delude yourself.

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